Native | New York | Federal | Court Websites
Native Decisions
- Tribal Courts
- Oral Processes/Traditional Justice Resolutions
New York Decisions
- Cayuga Indian Nation v Gould (Court of Appeals decision)
- Alexander v Hart (Scaffold Law, application to Mohawk)
- Attea v Tax Appeals Tribunal (cigarette taxes)
- Cayuga Indian Nation v Sheriff Gould (taxing of cigarette sales; Appellate Division decision )
- Matter of Spota v. Jackson
Federal Decisions
- Oneida Indian Nation v. County of Oneida (2nd Cir) (ancestral land compensation claims barred by laches)
- Doe, United States v. (10th Cir) ("persons" under Indian Major Crimes Act)
- Golden Feather Smoke Shop (EDNY) (cigarette tax scheme, injunction)
Links to Court Websites
(for independent research)- New York State Courts
- Additional Sites with State Court Decisions
- Court Decisions (Official Reporter for all courts from 1995+)
- By Court (2000+)
- N.Y. Court of Appeals, Cornell Univ. Legal Information (1990+)
- Administrative Decisions
- Index of Opinions, New York Attorney General and New York State Comptroller on Indian Affairs (1961)
- Links to Federal Decisions
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Court of Appeals
- U.S. District Courts – New York
- U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs
- U.S. Department of the Interior